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Theo VnExpress
Chia sẻ

Một nhóm lưu manh được cho là đã dùng tay móc mắt chú chó tội nghiệp khiến nó bị tổn thương nghiêm trọng.

Theo Mirror, chú chó tên Boxy bị một nhóm lưu manh giữ chặt, móc mắt bằng tay không trên đường phố Mexico. Sau đó, Boxy được các nhà bảo vệ động vật phát hiện và đưa đến bệnh viện. Tuy nhiên, bác sĩ thú y cho biết vết thương của Boxy quá nghiêm trọng và nên được tiêm thuốc cho chết nhẹ nhàng.

Pic shows: Boxy, the tortured dog; This is the horrific photograph of a dog after its eyes were pulled out of their sockets by thugs. The abuse is believed to have happened when several people attacked the female dog named Boxy and probably held her down in order to pull her eyes out using their fingers. Mexican authorities are investigating the shocking case of animal abuse which resulted in the dog being taken to a vet where it was regarded as too injured to help, and had to be put to sleep. An animal activist identified as Connie Sosa posted graphic pictures of the dog online after the rescue. The horrific assault took place in the colony Plan de Ayala Sur, in the city of Merida, in the south-eastern Mexican state of Yucatan. The activist said that she had rescued the dog hoping that it might have been possible to reinsert its eyes into its sockets, but the injuries were far too serious and as a result it was agreed that the dog should be put to sleep. The Animal Protection Unit of the local police have confirmed that they have started an investigation on charges of animal abuse after several netizens asked government and authorities to do something to find and punish those responsible. The dogâs condition even prompted a petition on Change.org to demand a huge punishment for those responsible of torturing poor Boxy. According to local media, preliminary investigations concluded that the dog used to have an owner who had simply abandoned the dog. And despite the shocking abuse Connie Sosa, who has worked saving abused animals for six years in the region, said that it was not uncommon to see horrific attacks on strays. She said that only recently a small female dog, called Marina, had died after being covered in sticky glue, and added that the abuse was being reported on an almost daily basis. President of the Animalist Citizens Movement, Ernesto Maurin Guerrero, said the only way to tackle the problems to give tougher punishments for those responsib

Chú chó được đưa đến bệnh viện với hai hốc mắt đầy máu.

Vụ tra tấn động vật dã man này xảy ra ở Plan de Ayala Sur, thuộc thành phố Merida, phía đông nam bang Yucatan, Mexico.

Connie Sosa, một thành viên của hội bảo vệ động vật, đã đăng ảnh thảm trạng của chú chó nhỏ lên mạng. Cô cho biết mình giải cứu chú chó với hy vọng có thể phục hồi lại đôi mắt cho nó, nhưng không ngờ vết thương của nó quá nặng và cần được tiêm thuốc để chấm dứt đau đớn.

Các nhà chức trách địa phương được yêu cầu phải tìm và trừng phạt những kẻ gây ra tội ác. Đội bảo vệ động vật của sở cảnh sát xác nhận họ đã bắt đầu điều tra vụ việc. Bước đầu điều tra cho thấy chú chó từng có một người chủ nhưng đã bị bỏ rơi.

Pic shows: Boxy, the tortured dog; This is the horrific photograph of a dog after its eyes were pulled out of their sockets by thugs. The abuse is believed to have happened when several people attacked the female dog named Boxy and probably held her down in order to pull her eyes out using their fingers. Mexican authorities are investigating the shocking case of animal abuse which resulted in the dog being taken to a vet where it was regarded as too injured to help, and had to be put to sleep. An animal activist identified as Connie Sosa posted graphic pictures of the dog online after the rescue. The horrific assault took place in the colony Plan de Ayala Sur, in the city of Merida, in the south-eastern Mexican state of Yucatan. The activist said that she had rescued the dog hoping that it might have been possible to reinsert its eyes into its sockets, but the injuries were far too serious and as a result it was agreed that the dog should be put to sleep. The Animal Protection Unit of the local police have confirmed that they have started an investigation on charges of animal abuse after several netizens asked government and authorities to do something to find and punish those responsible. The dogâs condition even prompted a petition on Change.org to demand a huge punishment for those responsible of torturing poor Boxy. According to local media, preliminary investigations concluded that the dog used to have an owner who had simply abandoned the dog. And despite the shocking abuse Connie Sosa, who has worked saving abused animals for six years in the region, said that it was not uncommon to see horrific attacks on strays. She said that only recently a small female dog, called Marina, had died after being covered in sticky glue, and added that the abuse was being reported on an almost daily basis. President of the Animalist Citizens Movement, Ernesto Maurin Guerrero, said the only way to tackle the problems to give tougher punishments for those responsib

Vết thương của chú chó được bác sĩ thú y nhận định là quá nghiêm trọng và nên được tiêm thuốc.

Connie Sosa, người đã có 6 năm hoạt động cứu trợ động vật bị ngược đãi, cho biết trường hợp chó lang thang bị hành hạ dã man không phải là hiếm. Mới đây, cô tìm được một chú chó nhỏ tên Marina bị phủ keo dính toàn thân và sau đó đã chết. Cách duy nhất để giải quyết vấn đề là trừng phạt thật nặng những kẻ ngược đãi.

Chia sẻ

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Theo VnExpress

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